
Know about Private Cloud and advantage of using this technology!

New Delhi – Over the past few years, Cloud Computing (private and public cloud) got more popular in IT sector. So, before know the advantage of Cloud Computing, we have to understand the meaning of this new and most popular technology of IT sector. Essentially, private cloud (internal or enterprise cloud) is a hosting solution. Private cloud based on company’s intranet or hosted data center where all of your data is protected behind a firewall.

Difference between Private and Public Cloud –

If you’ve been using cloud computing or working in IT sector, you have to well aware difference between Private and Public Cloud. It very important to know the difference between Private and Public Cloud, especially for IT sector employees.

A private cloud (internal or enterprise cloud) is a hosting solution. Private cloud based on company’s intranet or hosted data center where all of your data is protected behind a firewall. And public cloud is based on the standard cloud computing model, in which a service provider makes resources. Applications and storage are the most common example of Public cloud, which is available to the general public over the Internet.


Advantage of cloud Computing :

“The Cloud” is the comprised of an array of services offered by thousands of vendors across the Internet. Basically, cloud allows you to pay for the service you are using. Get services at home from various power, water, waste, yard maintenance, cleaning, painting, and maintenance providers are the Examples of Cloud Computing.

As a compression of public cloud and Private cloud usually provides more control, flexibility and performance. Public cloud is cost effective program. Public and Private cloud both offer freedom from hardware and software upgrades cycles.

Migration of data and applications to the cloud save the money through shifts expenditures from Capital expenses. Potential cloud savings may come in terms of operational efficiency, scalability, security, or flexibility.

Through cloud computing, the user will get a computing environment equipped with the power of high-end server on his low end computer. For example, if your computer has 10 gigabytes memory, your processor will work slow with it and computer may take five to ten seconds to find that file. However, if you have this file on cloud, then the same thing happens in one to two seconds.

Through cloud computing, you can use and share any file from any hardware device, such as computers, laptops, tablets, mobile, etc. and from anywhere.

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